What isThe Davis Museum?
Davis Museum, The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelonais the first contemporary art museum created in a ballot box through social networks. It functions simultaneously as a readymade sculpture, a collective work of art, and a temporary, mutable conceptual space more than a physical one. A provocation to the art establishment. With its own permanent contemporary art collection, The Davis Museum is also a non-profit artistic project that organizes and produces exhibitions, encourages research, and promotes contemporary art exhibitions. Additionally, The Davis Museum organizes traveling exhibitions to other cultural centers, museums and institutions, nationally and internationally, while generating debate, thought, and reflection. Its mission is the selection, presentation, study, dissemination, and preservation of contemporary art by emerging and renowned artists from around the world.When was The Davis Museum founded?
The Davis Museum was founded on Facebook on January 1st, 2009.What is the purpose of the The Davis Museum?
The purpose of the The Davis Museum is organization and production of low-cost art exhibitions, the promotion of research and artistic creation and export of their exposure to other nationally and internationally cultural centers, museums and institutions, while generating debate, thought and reflection. Its mission is the dissemination of contemporary art by emerging and renowned from around the world.Does The Davis Museum have any precedent?
Yes. The Davis Museum has some precedents. These are Marcel Duchamp's Boite-en-valise and Robert Filliou's Galerie légitime, both works contain a scathing institutional critiques, not without sarcasm.What is the contribution of The Davis Museum, in relation to the Galerie légitime?
In relation to the Galerie légitime, The Davis Museum create a link to the aesthetic of the New Media Art, in the new context of the digital era and the art related social networks.Does not have The Davis Museum a single author?
Yes. The Davis Museum does not have a single author, it is a social project, a collective work of art, therefore, all the artists who participate Davis Museum will have their names and works cited in it. From this collectivistic point of viewThe Davis Museum is linked to the esthétique relationnelle, where the old notion of authorship is altered. Is The Davis Museum a physical or virtual art space?
The Davis Museum is a art space both physical and virtual. For a virtual visit go to the official website of the Davis Museum https://www.davismuseum.com or visit the Davis Museum's channel on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/user/davismuseumbarcelona.
Please, follow us on Facebook Group: http://www.facebook.com/groups/davismuseum.
For a physical visit to the The Referendum Section from Davis Museum (Polling Station): C/Puigmartí 7, 1º, 2ª, 08012, Barcelona, Spain. Visitors, please, set date and time in advance.
Is The Davis Museum an official museum?
At the moment, The Davis Museum is a non-profit embryonic museum of contemporary art.Has been the contemporary art collection of The Davis Museum recognized from any institution?
Yes. The Generalitat de Catalunya (Autonomous Community of Kingdom of Spain) formally recognizes the Davis Museum’s permanent collection of contemporary art. Click here:
Generalitat de Catalunya | Peccat
What was the selected object to create The Davis Museum space?
The selected object to create this museum/sculpture/collective work of art was a voting box, a methacrylate bucket used to collect ballots in an election.Was the decision to select a ballot box for The Davis Museum random?
No, the selection of a ballot box for The Davis Museum was not random. This object has been selected as representation of the possible critical management processes of the art institutions.How big is The Davis Museum?
The Davis Museum has a size of 7,8 x 7,8 x 7,8 in (20 x 20 x 20 cm). As the permanent collection will increase, The Davis Museum could be extended according to need and the available budget.If The Davis Museum is a physical space, where is it located?
The Davis Museum is displayed in The Referendum Section from Davis Museum (Polling Station), in the Davis Lisboa's art studio/home, at C/ Puigmartí 7, 1º, 2ª, 08012, Barcelona, Spain. Although, as The Davis Museum is portable, it can be exhibited in others art spaces as museums and exhibition spaces, biennials, cultural centers, art galleries, etc.- How big is the The Referendum Section from Davis Museum (Polling Station) showroom?
The Referendum Section from Davis Museum (Polling Station) has this following sizes: height of 65,75 in (167 cm); width of 53,5 in (136 cm) and depth of 20,86 in (53 cm).
How is the permanent art collection of The Davis Museum being created?
The Davis Museum permanent art collection is being created by small format works of art donated by artists.Is The Davis Museum is a business?
No. The Davis Museum is not a business. Any revenue generated will cover costs related to the management and preparation of exhibitions, poster design and publication of photographs, critical texts and videos, texts translations, e-mailings, in addition to transport and preservation of works of art.Are the works of art presented in The Davis Museum for sale?
No. The works of art are presented in The Davis Museum are not for sale, because The Davis Museum is not an art gallery.Does The Davis Museum is on sale?
No. the Davis Museum is not for sale, because it is focus in culture, not business.Has the Davis Museum a motto?
Yes, The Davis Museum has a motto: “A museum is a activity, not a building.” Davis Lisboa
What artists can exhibit their works at The Davis Museum?
The artists can exhibit their works at The Davis Museum are those selected by the The Davis Museum curator.What are the The Davis Museum criteria used for selecting artists?
The selection criteria used at The Davis Museum for the selection of the artists are the quality of their work of art and the curriculum vitae.Are there any disciplines limitations to exhibit in the Davis Museum?
There is no limitation to exhibit at The Davis Museum in terms of artistic disciplines. It will be accepted drawings, engravings, paintings, collages, photographs, digital art, ceramics, sculptures, assemblages, installations, videos, animation, performance and happenings. The only limitation is the space available for artworks, which must never exceed 7 x 7 x 7 in (18 x 18 x 18 cm), frame included.What the artists have to do, once they have been selected to exhibit their works at The Davis Museum?
Click the link to download the Davis Museum Donation Form:
Print the donation form.
Fill it.
Please, don’t forget to sign it.
Enclose the donation form with your work in the same pack.
Ship the pack to The Davis Museum - The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art Att. Davis Lisboa Bezerra
C/ Puigmartí 7, 1º, 2ª, 08012, Barcelona, Spain.
Check the address here: contact & donate now!
If you have any questions, please contact info@davismuseum.com for more info.
How many small format works of art should be sent to make part of the The Davis Museum contemporary art collection?
Artists can send one (or more) original small format work(s) of art.Does the artwork have to be framed?
Yes. All two-dimensional artworks like drawings, engravings, paintings, photographs, digital art prints must be framed.What size or time duration must be the artworks?
Two-dimensional, like drawings, paintings, engravings, photographs, collages, digital art prints, etc: Maximum size: 5 x 5 in (12,7 x 12,7 cm), frame included.
Three-dimensional, like sculptures, installations, performances, assemblages, ceramics, etc. Maximum size: 5 x 5 x 5 in (12,7 x 12,7 x 12,7 cm).
Analogic and digital moving art, like animations and videos.Maximum duration: 5 minutes in MP4 Format.
Who was the first artist to exhibit at The Davis Museum?
The first artist to exhibit at The Davis Museum was Davis Lisboa, who presented Davis Museum: The Museum is the Work of Art, that it means, the "self-exhibition" of The Davis Museum. The next exhibition was charged of the spanish videoartist Maria Cañas, the "Archivist of Seville" showing her video titled The Toro's Revenge. This videoart is the first donation received by The Davis Museum and it already makes part of the permanent contemporary art collection.What is the duration of the exhibitions in ¡The Davis Museum?
The duration of the virtual solo exhibition at The Davis Museum is quaterly. The duration of the physical exhibition in The Davis Museum's Polling Station is also quaterly.Who will design the e-poster for the exhibition?
The Davis Museum will design the poster for the virtual solo exhibition.Who will record, edit, publish and share the video of the virtual solo exhibition?
The Davis Museum is responsible for recording, editing, publishing and sharing the video of the virtual solo exhibition.Who will make the disclosure, prepar the mailing list and sending, creation of the event on Facebook and the publication of the virtual solo exhibition on internet?
The Davis Museum is responsible for the disclosure, mailing list, create events on Facebook and Blogger and publishing the virtual solo exhibition.How artists can know when and where The Davis Museum will be exposed in art galleries, art centers, biennials or museums?
Artists will know when The Davis Museum has been exposed at some art spaces through e-mailings will be sent informing the place and timing of the event.Will there be a vernissage when artists exhibit their work at The Referendum Section from Davis Museum in Barcelona?
No. There will not be a vernissage when an artist exhibit its work of art at The Referendum Section from Davis Museum, because The Davis Museum is a non-profit art project, and therefore has no resources for such celebrations. If the artist is really interested in celebrating its inauguration, may designate himself from these kind of expenses. If The Davis Museum is exhibited in some art space as museums, biennials, cultural centers and art galleries, then attempt to raise funds for the vernissage.What are the benefits of the artists who decide participate in Davis Museum - The Davis Lisboa Mini-Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona
The benefits for artists to participate in The Davis Museum is visibility specifically focused on the global art network. The artworks of the artists will be virtually send to over 10,000 people related to the world of visual arts: artisans, illustrators, designers, art directors, advertisers, fine art students and art teachers, art historians, art scholars, art schools, colleges of Fine Arts, Fine Arts Universities, emerging and established artists, independent and renowned curators and art critics, cultural managers, art magazines, gallery owners, newspapers, TVs, radios, art collectors, art dealers, museums, cultural center, all over the world!
I am an art curator/art gallerist/ and I want to show the Davis Museum in my art museum/cultural center/art gallery/art biennial/art fair. What is the size of the Davis Museum's flight case?
The Davis Museum's flight case has the following size: 44,48 in (113 cm) width x 17,32 in (44 cm) height x 17,32 in (44 cm) depth.
What is the weight of the Davis Museum's flight case?
the Davis Museum's flight case has the following weight: 71lb (32 Kg).How much space does the Davis Museum need to be exhibited?
The presentation of The Polling Station Section from Davis Museum requires the following spaces: width 96,85 in (246 cm) x height: 92,91 in (236 cm) x depth 59,05 (150 cm). The red dots show the place to make the holes to fix the icons, the frame and the iPad in the wall.
Infographic by Laurélie Steen